It only feels like yesterday that we had the pleasure of spending meaningful time together [August 2022] in SA with Lara and her gorgeous family.
How precious those moments feel now.
I can still see Lara’s radiant, smiley face so clearly and can hear her cheeky, infectious giggle. (“I’m a biltong-eating vegan!”, she announced)
Her positivity, humour and strength of personality were simply uplifting.
I will always recall fondly the Good Old Days with the cousins in Darwin/Blyton - Sederim, Shabbatot, and the odd trip to the Transvaal.
There was *always* humour - jokes, stories, quips - more often than not led by Dad and Brad.
Lara inherited this trait. And perfected it.
She used it so skilfully, reading the room, the need and delivering on time, on point.
We hope the family will continue to embody her special traits and gain strength and comfort from each other and her memory.
(Big) Cousin Jonny, London
La's passing has left a massive void in our lives. Her strength of character, witty sense of humour and fierce protectiveness of all those she loved are just a few of the qualities that made her the fine person that she was. I am honoured and blessed to have ha…